Friday, July 26, 2013

What Happens Now That The Abortion Bill was Passed?

              Currently one of the most talked about political issues in Texas is abortion. Abortion has always been a very controversial topic because it is such an emotional issue that touches many. There are either those for it or those against it and those against it were pleased when the abortion bill was passed this month. Hundreds of people who fought for women's freedom protested in the capitol to get their voices heard. The outcome of the long fight to pass the abortion bill pleased anti-abortion activist and angered many who believed in women's freedom. The bill states that if a woman is 20 weeks into pregnancy she will be denied the right to abortion and it also states that abortions clinics must meet certain requirements. 
             There will never be an in-between when it comes to the issue of abortion and Texas politicians have done a great job of protecting future Texans as well as women and their health. Abortion will continue to be an ongoing issue even though the bill has been passed because not everyone agrees with the bill. In order for an abortion clinics to remain active, it must have all the surgical equipment and other requirements included in the bill. Some believe that getting rid of abortion clinics is a way for the government to make more money by getting clinics to meet up to the abortion expectations. Then there are those who believe that surgical clinics are safer for women and agree with the bill 100%. As for now, the bill has been passed in Texas and in the future will probably become a big issue again mainly because abortion is an issue that has two types of followers (pro-life and women's freedom activist).

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