Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Reply to Colleague’s work #2

Wendy Davis seems like a great candidate for Governor of Texas and I can see why you you believe she is a good candidate. As the Senator of Texas, Davis has a significant amount of political knowledge and has the ability to make Texas a successful state. The fact that Davis is interested in passing bills concerning cancer and sexual assault really make me interested in learning more about her. You don't typically get to see Governors push forward bills like those that Davis takes interest in. 

Your article does a great job of explaining why Texas needs a Senator like Davis. Not only does she qualify for the position, but I believe she has a lot to offer to the state. The fact that she showed determination during the filibuster during the summer of 2013 goes to show that she does not give up in what she believes in and will fight for what will benefit the state.

Here is the link to my classmates blog about Wendy Davis.

Friday, August 9, 2013

New Hit-and-run law in Texas

       As I was reading through the New York Times newspaper I found an interesting article that talked about an upcoming law in hit-and-run cases. I found it interesting that hit-and-run cases are very common and Texas which led me to read more about the issue. I believe that the safety of Texans on the road is very important and for any type of accident every victim should be examined to check if everyone involved is okay. 
       On September 1st any driver who hits another car should stop and make sure everyone involved is okay, but if the person fails to do so he or she will face serious charges. The penalties for anyone who hits-and-runs will be the same as intoxicated manslaughter. The felony can reach to up to 20 years in prison. I believe this will be a very effective law for the state because checking if someone is okay after an accident can make a difference. 
        If victims in accidents don't look out for one another, the more unattended victims of an accident there will be. It is important to make sure others involved in an accident are not hurt or seriously damaged so that they can receive the help they need. The number of years that have to be faced in jail may seem like a lot, but if someone hits-and-runs after an accident they should pay for it especially if there was a death.

Here is a link the article on the new law on hit-and-run cases. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Criticism on Colleague’s Work #1

               I strongly agree that without the majority of Texans voting the idea of representation isn't what it should be. It is important for those eligible to vote to do it in order to get the representation that the people of Texas want and need. I think you made a great statement about people feeling as if their vote doesn't really make a difference because Texas has really strong Republican values. 
               Like you said, the population in Texas is constantly growing and the state is becoming very diverse. With diversity comes different values which means not all votes will be casted by Republicans. I believe you did an excellent job of explaining why voting in Texas is important in your Just Looking at the Voting Numbers... blog.